Why is Trump is going after Canada
W.F. Hillman W.F. Hillman

Why is Trump is going after Canada

"The CCP runs cartel crime syndicates through Vancouver. We import the chemicals for fentanyl and the human slaves to make the pills, (who are then no doubt harvested for their organs), through Vancouver’s port. The pills are made everywhere, in factories where no police dare to visit. We pour drugs across the border. Mexican and Asian cartels launder most of the drug money generated in North America through casinos and real estate in Vancouver. Gorgeous houses built by and for the Anglo-European middle class in the early 1900’s are now lived in by violent Asian cartel gang leaders and children of CCP leadership. That is how weak and stupid our politicians are.

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The Billionaires are turning MAGA -  Fast   
W.F. Hillman W.F. Hillman

The Billionaires are turning MAGA -  Fast   

They are very smart people and now see that Left has gone too far and has lost it with the American people. So to protect their positions, money and power they mad a 180 in record time. They wet their finger, stuck in in the air and and felt a hurricane coming.

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Maryland is now California east
W.F. Hillman W.F. Hillman

Maryland is now California east

Apocalyptic environmentalism by Maryland's far-left Democratic leadership in Annapolis has plunged the state into a severe energy crisis, with power bills doubling in some cases and 20% of households in Central Maryland now behind on payments.

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Thank Obama for DOGE
George O'Neill Jr George O'Neill Jr

Thank Obama for DOGE

Turns out Trump and Musk didn't create anything. Obama did. Obama created United States Digital Service (USDS) in 2014. It was meant as a bureaucratic patch job to fix the Obamacare website meltdown. Fast forward to 2025. Trump rebrands it DOGE (United States DOGE Service). Keeps the acronym, keeps the funding, but gives it a whole new mission: Find the Receipts Legally untouchable because it was already fully funded and operational

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WAPO attacks D.C. U.S. attorney who fired Jan. 6 prosecutors, and threatens the “status quo”.
George O'Neill Jr George O'Neill Jr

WAPO attacks D.C. U.S. attorney who fired Jan. 6 prosecutors, and threatens the “status quo”.

Ed Martin is trying his best to drain the swamp while swamp stalwarts do their best to build more dams. In the past week WAPO has published 4 article ment to drive up criticism and resistance to Martin’s house cleaning. Proving once again the swamp is deep and the surrounding lands are filled with ghoul who sill stop at nothing to protect the swamp.

But Ed Martin is like a rock on a mission. He is unfazed by the dogs nipping at heals. His X posts make it clear that he is n to changing course and will complete he tasks of draining the portion of the swamp under his control.

Swamp Monsters wishes him the best and our hope is that the natural forces of the swamp don’t fill in what he drains.

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Four years of lies are coming home to Roost.
George O'Neill Jr George O'Neill Jr

Four years of lies are coming home to Roost.

Since the Covid epidemic the American public has been feed a string of lies about the health of the economy. Mouth after mouth Washington mouth pieces have echoed fabricated economic metrics with the hope that citizens would ignore their own eyes.  When they could not lie any longer, Washington sold the future by going on a spending spree in the hopes of making those lies reality.  But all they did was create more debt and make the inevitable reckoning worst. This article documents the lies.

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Quickest Way to Move a Key Element of the RFK, Jr. Agenda
George O'Neill Jr George O'Neill Jr

Quickest Way to Move a Key Element of the RFK, Jr. Agenda

The past month has been a series of whining tomes from the dying voices of legacy media about how the MAGA Agenda demanded by the American people can be blocked ,or hobbled or diverted.  No stone has been left unturned; or un-thrown.  From the deluded rant from mandarins of the elite, Evan Davis was editor in chief of the Columbia Law Review and David Schulte was editor in chief of the Yale Law Journal, to countless checklists of how to prevent any of the reforms embraced by the Trump team, the establishment is in a tail-spin of fruitless schemes and crazed plots.

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 Collapse Of The U.S. Economy Is Far More Advanced Than Most People Think
George O'Neill Jr George O'Neill Jr

Collapse Of The U.S. Economy Is Far More Advanced Than Most People Think

1. When the economy is in good shape, holiday spending increases each year.  In 2024, only 16 percent of Americans say that they are going to spend more than last year and 35 percent of Americans say that they are going to spend less

2. The number of job openings in the U.S. is now the lowest it has been since January 2021

3 The manufacturing numbers that we are getting are extremely dismal.  For example, the Philadelphia Federal Reserve Manufacturing Index just experienced an extremely sharp decline

4 Thanks to rapidly rising mortgage rates, the average U.S. homebuyer just lost $33,250 in purchasing power in just six weeks

Read full article on The Most Important News website

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Some Honesty About Inflation
George O'Neill Jr George O'Neill Jr

Some Honesty About Inflation

Inflation numbers came out last week. For once, we got some honesty from the mainstream media.

“Growing inflation poses challenges for the Fed,” said the WSJ.

“Progress on inflation stalled, complicating Republicans’ plans,” said the NYT.

That’s a major change in the tune from “it’s just transitory.”

That was Janet Yellen, four years ago!

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'Left Is A Vicious Wounded Tiger' - Larry Klayman Warns "They Want Us Dead"
George O'Neill Jr George O'Neill Jr

'Left Is A Vicious Wounded Tiger' - Larry Klayman Warns "They Want Us Dead"

"  The fact that Donald Trump has been reelected the 47th President of the United States with the popular vote and an overwhelming landslide in the Electoral College, the Left is on the run, but it’s stung.  It’s like a wounded tiger.  It’s vicious.  It will fight back...

You are going to see the Left in the streets, ultimately.  It will probably be in days, if not weeks.  You are going to see a repeat of what we saw with Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, radical Palestinians and others.  They are going to be coming for us.  

Frankly, and this sounds extreme, we saw the assassination attempts... and Kamala Harris and Biden calling Trump Hitler, calling them garbage and calling us garbage, they want us dead.  Let me repeat that.  They want us dead...They are like rats leaving the ship. 

The time to peacefully and legally crush them is now.”

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Will Trump End The Wars?
George O'Neill Jr George O'Neill Jr

Will Trump End The Wars?

Well the question becomes who does Donald Trump put around him? If Donald Trump puts Mike Pompeo, aka Liz Cheney's pick for Defense Secretary... if he puts John Bolton, aka Hillary Clinton's pick for national security adviser - then maybe not, maybe it doesn't happen.

But if he listens to Tucker Carlson, and 'Bobby' Kennedy, and Vivek Ramaswamy, and all the smart people around him - then yes, he could negotiate an end to that war.”" From Dave Smith on Zerohedge

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Open Letter to President Trump: Please Do Not Rehabilitate Nikki Haley
Blog Author Blog Author

Open Letter to President Trump: Please Do Not Rehabilitate Nikki Haley

It has been reported by Fox News that you are working to create a place for Nikki Haley in your campaign.  Sir, of course it would come from Fox.  Paul Ryan, the leading quisling in the nation, sits on the Fox Board and is certain to be the source of the dunning promotion of Haley on that outlet……

, what exactly is she supposedly able to bring to your campaign that you don’t already have?  She has no real base.  Her vote was essentially an anti-Trump vote spurred by the likes of Cheney, Kitzinger and Romney.  Most of those people will not vote for you because they are little more than tools of the Deep State and regime.  And for the small percentage that have a few functioning brain cells and will consider voting for you, Nikki Haley is not going to push them over. 

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