GOP Inc. Works Hard To Achieve No Real Change in Congress
As people look at the Swamp that is Washington, DC, there is always one question that seems to float to the top in any discussion. Why, even when the Republicans take control of the government, is there no real change? Why do we, the overwhelming majority of the public, elect conservatives to office to get liberal pap in return?
It is an important question. Sadly, it has been the end result more times than most people would like to admit. But recently we were given a clear view of how the “structure” is stacked in such a way as to ensure that the game is rigged – heads the establishment wins, tails the People lose.
Two examples, one in each Party, tell the tale. First the Democrat.
The viral video of two young anti-war activists confronting Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez at a townhall is a clear example of the disconnect between the people who elect legislators and the actions of those politicians once safely in office. As the young man said, they elected AOC to be a voice and non-interventionist foreign policy was a key part of that. But now she is pushing policies that actually threaten the country with nuclear war. It is insane and yet this is how the people in Congress act – virtually no regard for the wishes of the people who elect them.
The other example is of the Republican Party. If anything, the actions of the GOP bosses is more disdainful and revealing of the level of contempt the politicians have for the people than the Democrats.
It was recently announced that the Congressional Leadership Fund, the political arm of the GOP House leadership that was formed to get around the rules of not engaging in primaries, would be spending $4 million in New York 17th District. This is on top of $2 million spent earlier. Why, you might ask, is a seat in New York worth more than $6 million? Well, the Democrat is Sean Patrick Maloney, the Chairman of the Democrat Campaign Committee. Defeating him makes the leadership feel really strong even though we are talking about one seat. There is a Republican the CLF is trying to help – a man named Mike Lawler.
Lawler is the perfect example of what the GOP wants. Lawler has been a member of the GOP bureaucracy since getting out of college in 2009. That is his entire work experience – doing internal GOP business. So, from the standpoint of Washington, he is a trustworthy toady who is sure to do what he is told. And for that, they will spend $6 million. But what if they win? Will that seat ever be ”safe”? Won’t they have to come back and spend millions more to defend him next time? Well, of course. Maybe the wasted spending is the whole point. Regardless, having a loyal bureaucrat who will jump when the leadership demand it is worth a lot.
This is not the first time this year that the so-called leaders of the GOP have put their chips and your money on a loyal troll. As Swamp Monsters reported earlier, the GOP leaders all swarmed to support a 25 year-old neo-con zealot whose one qualification was that he had interned and worked for the GOP. Matthew Foldi, the beneficiary of all the elite support was running for the GOP nomination for the newly configured Maryland 6th District. Foldi was not serious, even if Kevin McCarthy thought he was. At the end of the day, Foldi couldn’t get 15% of the vote.
The winner of that primary was Neil Parrott, a Maryland state legislator and accomplished businessman with deep roots in the district. After the court-ordered redefinition of the district lines, the seat was considered an R+2, in this environment a very winnable race. The incumbent Democrat is a caricature; rich pushy and with zero connection to most of the district. Yes, he is rich and has put up $2 million. But Parrott is a real opportunity to take back a seat that a strong patriotic Republican held for 20 years.
So, why haven’t the Congressional Leadership Fund spent money for Parrott? Simple. They cannot control him. The Republican who held the seat, Roscoe Bartlett, was a deeply patriotic man who was not bought and paid for by the neo-con cabal of consultants and “advisors.” He put the interests of his rural and ex-burb constituents first. And, based on all evidence, Parrott would do the same.
But the powers that be in Washington are not interested about true representation. They want obedient servants that move and do as they are instructed.
That is why nothing changes. The money and power in Washington moves to place trusted cronies in office, men and women who do not think for themselves or for their constituents. And when the People do elect someone not of the establishment ilk, like in the case of AOC in her primary victory over Democrat titan Joe Crowley just four short years ago, the upstart is quickly co-opted, eaten alive by the threats and enticements of Congress.
Nothing in the trajectory of the nation changes because the people who control the selection don’t want it to. They would rather play silly games of one-upsmanship than elect serious people of conviction. That is the very definition of the swamp.
One final note directed to Neil Parrott. AOC won her primary in 2018 with very little money. Crowley was considered unbeatable; but she defeated him. So don’t worry about Trone’s money or McCarthy’s disdain. They are the swamp. You and America don’t need or want them.